Pico’s universal 6-way breakout leads are designed to work with any vehicle – eliminating the need to own many specific breakout leads for engine diagnostics.
The 5 m leads come with fixed 2.5 m ground extensions and are designed for working on larger vehicles.
Fuse extension leads are a simple accessory that can save you valuable time.
Wireless Devices
Although you can buy a WPS500X and accessories separately you can save money by purchasing the WPS500X Pressure Transducer Kit.
First and foremost the TA008 is a back-pinning probe. In fact, it’s the smallest diameter back-pinning probe that we know of.
Pico’s universal 6-way breakout leads are designed to work with any vehicle – eliminating the need to own many specific breakout leads for engine diagnostics.
The 5 m leads come with fixed 2.5 m ground extensions and are designed for working on larger vehicles.
Fuse extension leads are a simple accessory that can save you valuable time.